Yonkers considers the safety of our employees, clients, subcontractors, and the community within which our work is performed as paramount. Yonkers’ Safety Program prioritizes safety above production and all other considerations. Our pro-active approach to safety incorporates ongoing training, oversight and reinforcement. We regard environmental health and safety issues as significant performance indicators of each project. Field activities are monitored at all management levels.

Our Corporate Director of Environmental, Health and Safety develops project-specific Environmental, Health and Safety Plans for every Yonkers project. These Plans are implemented and enforced at our project sites by the Project Manager, Project Safety Manager, Site Safety Personnel, superintendents, and foremen. These individuals provide the day-to-day supervision and monitoring of the workforce including subcontractors, client employees and others visiting our project sites. Hazards are identified using Job Hazard Analysis (JHA’s) for all upcoming activities and reviewed with all project personnel and Toolbox Talks are held weekly to discuss safety items to be mindful of in the upcoming work. At the start of each day, Daily Safety Briefings are held to alert crews of specific health and/or safety risks associated with the work tasks planned for that day, and the controls implemented to prevent injury. Performing training, inspections, audits and safety observations are all designed to verify that all field personnel understand all applicable health and safety policies that are an important part of the Yonkers overall approach to safety. We maintain a policy that all field personnel have the authority to stop work at any time if they feel an unsafe condition exists and poses an immediately health or safety risk. Yonkers is committed to a goal of zero accidents and injuries.