ESTIMATING, ENHANCEMENT, EXECUTION: Three vital components of every project. Yonkers brings decades of innovative experience with seasoned experts in engineering, construction, scheduling, quality and safety, procurement, labor relations, information systems, facility management, and finance to every project. Yonkers works within all project delivery methods including conventional general contracting, Design-Bid-Build, Design-Build, Best Value, and other alternative project delivery methods.

Design-Bid-Build and Best Value
Yonkers’ in-depth knowledge of the local labor market, logistics, material prices, subcontractors, and suppliers enhance our range of construction and general contracting services enabling us to add value to every project. Yonkers’ services include:
Pre-construction services to analyze designs and plans for constructability and provide viable alternatives for more efficient construction
Self-performed construction to maximize control of the work schedule, safety, quality and cost, with project teams comprised of experienced personnel capable of effectively planning and progressing field work, and supported by a sizable equipment fleet
Construction management to oversee, manage and coordinate subcontractors and vendors
Best Value, an alternative to the traditional Design-Bid-Build method, considers the additional value a contractor may offer in partnership with their bid price, including their technical approach and schedule. Best Value optimizes quality, cost, and efficiency in services, bringing the highest overall value to the client. Yonkers successfully completed the Arthur Sheridan Expressway Enhancement Best Value Project, a large NYSDOT project in Bronx, NY. The project was completed 30 days early and received an incentive bonus.
Yonkers negotiated our first design-build project for the construction of the Yonkers Raceway in the mid-1950’s. Today, many of the largest projects Yonkers undertakes are design-build projects for clients such as New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT), New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT), New York State Thruway Authority (NYSTA), New York State Bridge Authority (NYSBA), Port Authority of New York and New Jersey (PANYNJ), Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT), New York City Department of Environmental Protection (NYCDEP), New York City Department of Design and Construction (NYCDDC). Significant benefits to project delivery can be achieved through design-build with the leadership of an experienced contractor able to apply the most appropriate construction technology and methods, as well as communicate effectively with and manage the design team. The designer and contractor partnering together fosters cooperation and communication to effectively design and build the project. The flexibility and interactive relationship results in improved cost, schedule, and quality performance.
Notable design-build construction projects successfully led by Yonkers include:
Atlantic City-Brigantine Connector Design-Build, Atlantic City, NJ
Brooklyn Bridge Emergency Deck Replacement, New York, NY
World Trade Center PATH Restoration, New York, NY
LaGuardia Airport East Parking Garage, Queens, NY
Route 17 at Route 32 (Exit 131) Reconstruction, Harriman, NY
Stamford Parking Garage Design-Build, Stamford, CT (ongoing)