Bronx Site Preparation
NYC Borough Based Jails Design-Build Program – Bronx Site Preparation
07/06/2022 - The Bronx Jail Preparation site is bordered by E 142nd Street to the north, E 141st Street to the south, Concord Avenue to the west, and Bruckner Boulevard and Southern Boulevard to the east. The site is also adjacent to the underground MTA No. 6 Subway. Yonkers was awarded this $77M contract in 2021 to prepare the site for the future construction of the Bronx Jails. The contract requires Yonkers to excavate and remove from the site the remains of the former Lincoln Hospital which was imploded in the 1970’s. After the hospital was demolished, the site was capped with asphalt and, in the 1990’s, the NYPD began using the site as a tow compound.
Yonkers worked around the tow pound while the site was operational, coordinating daily with NYPD to relocate cars from certain sections of the site to safely perform the site clearing in February 2022.
After the site was cleared, Scope Validation was able to commence in March 2022. The contract provided 4 months for Yonkers to confirm the bedrock surface, characterize the material on site for disposal, and validate the SOE designs at the perimeter of the site. The site was divided into 50’ x 50’ grids with 73 Environmental Borings and 34 Geotechnical Borings being performed. In order to protect the workers from the anticipated contaminated soil, the boring crews wore Level C PPE and were provided a Decontamination Facility.
The results of these borings confirmed that asbestos containing material (ACM) was found throughout the site. Whereas the DDC originally estimated only 14% of the total 160,500 tons of material being disposed of as ACM, now 100% of the material will be disposed of as ACM. Yonkers will use a hauler who can truck up to 60 loads of material every day to Pennsylvania.
Yonkers anticipates commencing mass excavation, debris removal and backfilling of the site in August 2022. A Hazardous Material Handling, Segregation and Disposal Plan was prepared by the Yonkers Design-Build Team ensuring safety for the workers, environment, and the public at large.
The Design-Build scope of work includes maintaining and relocating electric, gas, water, and communication utilities in the surrounding streets and within the site. Yonkers will design and install a Support of Excavation wall along Concord Avenue that will retain the sidewalk and roadway. The wall will be a drilled pipe wall with timber lagging that will be socketed into rock. A major element of work for this project requires the relocation of an active 30-inch storm sewer system while maintaining service. Yonkers is performing community outreach and implementing environmental controls to inform and protect the community during each stage of the work.